Saturday, May 28, 2005

Fully-equipped kitchens and

....well stocked larders can turn even those whose thumbs are bonded together into a Cordon Bleu cook. And it was in one such kitchen with one such larder that I found myself that fateful summer when I wasn't even 21.

At Lord n Lady Masham's home in a small village near Swinton, in Yorkshire, the kicten and larder are every celebrity cook's dream. From oven to kitchen sink, to the sheer spaciousness and plentiful of light (natural and artificial), it was something out of House and Home.

The cooking utensils, pots, pans, knives, crockery, cutlery and glasses: it was like Aladdin's cave after a make-over by Martha Stewart.

If the equipment was something to die for, then what was available by way of ingredients was definitely something to live for, and a long life at that.

Every ingredient that would make a qualified cook's dream come true was available, in the larder or in the freezer. My dear, industrial freezer, not some little compartment tucked into a family sized refrigerator.

I had learned some basic cooking after two years with the Jansens at 108 Burdon Lane. Fried egg, fried bread, bacon etc. Meat patties or what the world now calls hamburgers, although actually a hamburger isn't made of ham or burger. It should be made with minced beef but I digress.

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